Reinforcing Strengths and Rising to Challenges

Our academic program provides students with rich learning experiences in a wide variety of persian literature, music, art, and culture. Our experienced teachers tailor their teaching method in accordance with the student's need, giving students an added incentive to learn. 

Our Subjects

  • Music
  • Violin
  • Piano
  • Santour
  • Tar
  • Seh Tar
  • Gitaur
  • Tombak
  • Daf
  • Orf (Childern's Music)
  • kamancheh


  • About Razi Farsi Classes

Do not let the summer opportunity passes without your kids learn Farsi language and/or a Persian instrument!!! Take advantage of your summer time and take Farsi classes. 

Our Farsi school is accredited. High School students receive elective credits from local unified school districts. Having diverse elective units in their transcript, your kid(s) will have more appealing transcript when they apply to the universities. 

We are offering innovative and creative teaching methods in our classes to make sure your kid(s) learn Farsi perfectly. If your kid(s) register in our summer music classes, their Farsi class fee is FREE for the entire summer.  In our computer laboratory, we are using interactive method to make learning Farsi language fun and your kid(s) are looking forward to attend our school. Because we have a large space, we are the only school in Bay Area that can offer separate classes for each grade.

  • Dance
    • Persian
    • Latin 
  • Fitness
    • Zumba
    • Yoga
  • Other Activities
    • Cooking
    • Painting
    • Photography
    • Craft
    • Sewing


Razi Farsi School and Art Academy

403 Cypress Avenue

San Jose, CA 95117


Phone: +1 408 828 8494



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